
Parrish Civic Association Annual Christmas Tree Lighting

Saturday December 11, 2021 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
SouthState Bank12215 US Highway 301NParrish FL 34219
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Come join the Parrish Civic Association for our annual Christmas Tree Lighting on the front lawn of SouthState Bank. This is a FREE community event. We will have Santa arriving by fire truck compliments of our very own Parrish Fire Department! There will be a snow slide, arts and crafts tent, goody bags provided by Jennifer L. Hamey, Esq, caroling and performances (stage provided by Bradenton Area of Arts), petting zoo provided by Second Chance Ranch, books and story time by Early Learning Coalition, an appearance by the Grinch, tree contest and, of course, the tree lighting! Food trucks will also be there selling food - TK Grill, Godfather Canoli and Kona Ice.


Everyone welcome 




Just show up!

More Info

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