
The AMI Privateers Christmas Parade

Saturday December 11, 2021 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
City of Anna Maria IslandPine AvenueAnna Maria FL 34219
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It's time for our annual Christmas Parade. Santa and Mrs Claus will be making their special appearance with us. The Parade Processional steps off at 10 am SHARP from the Coquina Beach North Ramp and travels down Gulf Drive through Holmes Beach and ends on Pine Avenue in the City of Anna Maria. Immediately following the Parade, the Childrens After Party with Santa and Mrs Claus will be happening at the City Pier Park. Parents bring your kids by for a visit and gift from Santa and a hot dog lunch from the Privateers.


Fun for all 




Just show up!

More Info

For more information, go HERE 

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