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The Center of Anna Maria is hosting the 19th annual Lester Family Fun Day on Saturday, December 4, 2021 from 10:30am-2:00pm. This all-ages event is sponsored by Chuck and Joey Lester of Holmes Beach. Admission is free, and tickets are .25 each. Entertainment includes the MHS drum line, a Diane Partington Studio ballet performance, a golf ball drop 50/50 raffle, crafts, pony rides, face painting, a rock wall, a visit from Santa (at 12:00) and more. Burgers from Duffy's and ice cream from Small Town Creamy. Golf balls for the 50/50 raffle can be purchased at The Center for $50 or 3 for $100. This all takes place at The Center of Anna Maria Island at 407 Magnolia Ave
Fun for all
Free with cost to do activitiesHow
Just show up!
More Info
For more information, go HERE