
Clean & Green Living (Rachel Glubiak)

In the U.S., 6 in 10 people are suffering with a chronic disease & 4 in 10 are suffering from 2 or more. The toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis from our food, personal care products, cleaning supplies & environment play an enormous role on our overall health. There is a lack of regulation in our country and unfortunately the United States Food and Drug Administration permits cosmetic companies to use toxic chemicals known to be harmful in their products. As a result, chemicals linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, developmental toxicity, immunotoxicity, organ toxicity, neurotoxicity, and many other health concerns are hidden in the cosmetics and skincare products that people are using on their bodies every day. With Clean & Green Living, we help you to become an empowered label reader, conscious consumer & healthier individual overall by offering education on safer and healthier solutions for your home. 

Holiday Deals: Will be announced in a private group, "Clean & Green Living" on Facebook!  Join today so you don't miss out!