
Jump Dance Company

11005 Passage DriveBradenton, FL 34211
Phone: 941-747-8900Email: Jumpdancecompany@verizon.netWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

Jump dance offers camp for ages 2-5 years and 6-12 years. The 2-5 years old camp is part of our JumpStart preschool program. Parents can pick 2, 3, 4 or 5 days a week . Students enjoy classes in art, music, dance, acro, learning games, and outside play. Our dance and musical theater camps for ages 6-12 years have daily classes in dance or musical theater, acrobatics,and arts and crafts. Students put on a show on Fridays, at the end of the week. Before and aftercare is available from 7:30am-6pm. Hot lunch also available!

JumpStart Preschool of the Arts

Ages 2 to 5 years old

Monday - Friday from 8:30AM to 2PM. Before and after care available.
Choose 2,3,4 or 5 days.

Weekly themes:
June 5-9: It's a Bugs Life
June 12-16: A Camping We will Go
June 19-23: Beach Days
June 26-30: Hawiian Hullabaloo
July 3, 5-7: Party in the USA
July 10-14: Where's Nemo?
July 17-21: Under the Sea
July 24-28: Pirates and Treasure
July 31-August 4: Monsters Ink

JumpStart preschool rates:
$159 - 5 days
$139 - 4 days
$119 - 3 days
$90- 2 days

Before and after care $10 per day or $26 per week.

Jump Dance Camp or Musical Theater Camp

Ages 6 to 12 years old

Monday - Friday from 9AM to 2PM. Before and after care available.

Weekly themes:
June 5-9: Dance around the World
June 12-16: Trolls
June 19-23: Rock and Roll
June 26-30: Moana
July 3-7: Studio Closed
July 10-14: Musical Mania
July 17-21: Hairspray
July 24-28: Disney Diva
July 31-August 4: On the Radio

Jump dance and musical theater camps - $155 per week.

Before and after care $10 per day or $26 per week.

To register, call 941-747-8900 or download and email the registration to or fax to 747-8911.
Bradenton Macaroni Kid subscribers will get a Free t-shirt at registration!

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