

Broadway Season 2014-2015 lineup

October 16, 2014
For over four generations, The Players Theatre of Sarasota has built on the inspiration and aspirations of the incredible talent in the community.  Talent that might have otherwise gone unfulfilled.  The Players is dedicated to presenting a diverse and entertaining slate of high quality, volunteer driven, theatrical experiences that educate, stimulate and enrich the entire community.  The Players Theatre, a 501 (c)3 non-profit, is Sarasota's first and oldest performing arts organization, and the second oldest in the state of Florida.  The theatre opened in 1930, in the midst of the Great Depression, with a series of one-act plays.  281 patrons each paid a two-dollar subscription fee for the series.  Today, our 493 seat theatre has become ingrained in the fabric of the cultural arts community in Sarasota. 
Just a little bit of what we do: 
* We serve a diverse audience of 75,000+ annually.
* We offer year-round programming that includes a Broadway Theatre Series, a SNAP (Something New At Players) Series, a Summer Sizzler Series , a New Play Festival, Concerts and a Backstage Theatre Series. 
* We provide vital training for 300+ students ages 3 to 103 through The Players Peforming Arts Studio. 
* We offer 29 performing arts classes weekly, an 8-week summer camp program, two community outreach groups, The Players Kids and a 55 and over performing troupe - The Sarasota Silver Stars. 
* We work side by side with 700+ volunteer actors, crew members, ushers and the P.A.L.S. guild. 
* We provide 3,500 free tickets annually to underserved community members through The Players Charity Preview Performance Program. 
* We scholarship 50+ students annually through The Players Building Better Grownups Scholarship Program.

The Broadway series is a carefully curated slate of 7 shows - typically 5 musicals and 2 straight plays - that will both engage the audiences of Sarasota and its surronding areas as well as offer a diverse learning platform for our local actors in our community to benefit.  The series is currently underway and has shows through early May 2015.  Find the schedule and detailed information on all the 2014-2015 Broadway Season HERE